Hi. Ed Ramsey from Delos.
If there's anyone who doesn't knowwhat Delos is, well, as we've always said...
...Delos is the vacation of the future, today.
At Delos you get your choiceof the vacation you want.
There's Medieval World, Roman Worldand, of course, Westworld.
Let's talk to some peoplewho've been there.
Pardon me, sir. What is your name?
Gardner Lewis.Just got back from Westworld.
Tell us how you liked it, Mr. Lewis.
When you played cowboys and Indiansas a kid, you'd point...
...go "bang, bang" and the other kidwould lie down and play dead.
Well, Westworld is the same thing, only...only it's for real!
I shot six people!Well, they weren't real people!
What Mr. Lewis means ishe shot six robots...
...scientifically programmed to look, act,talk and even bleed just like humans do.
Isn't that right?
Well, they may have been robots.I mean, I think they were robots.
I mean, I know they were robots!
Yes, the robots of Westworld are thereto serve you...
...and to give you the most uniquevacation experience of your life.
Thank you, sir.
And you, madam?
What is your name?
My name is Janet Lane,and I was in Roman World.
What is the one thing that stands outin your mind about Roman World?
Oh, well, I think it would be...
...the men!
I just feel marvelous! I mean...