Top Secret!
Security has been tightened.
All borders have been placed on full alert.
Exit visas have been suspendedfor the entire week.
In addition, we have assurancefrom our undercover agents in the West
that our actions to datehave gone completely undetected.
All military leaves have been cancelled,
and we have doubled the guardaround Dr Flammond.
Finally, all systems are in readiness
for deployment of the Polaris Mine.
- As you ordered, General Streck.- Well done, von Horst.
By Sunday, the entire NATOsubmarine fleet will be here
on their manoeuvres,and completely vulnerable.
Major Crumpler, what is the progressof our diversionary plan?
The schedule for the cultural festivalis now complete, Herr General.
You should be pleased to note,that at your personal request,
the Soviets have agreed to sendtheir celebrated tenor, Vladimir Biletnikov.
Well done, Herr Major.Then everything has gone to plan?
Well, not exactly, mein General.
The American, Leonard Bernstein,unfortunately has had to cancel.
They are sendinganother performer in his place.
In fact, we have just receivedthis copy of his most recent record.
His name is...Nick Rivers.
I'm sure he will be quite adequate.
As long as the world's attentionis fixed on our cultural festival,
no one will know what is about to happen.
Once again, Germany will becomeunited under one rule. Ours!
After Sunday there will be no oneto stop us.