Fair eastside
by thy sidewe'll stand
and alwayspraise thy name
and ever lend our heartsand hands
to help increase thy fame
the honorof old eastside high
brings forth our loyalty
so cheerfor dear old eastside high
lead on to victory
man: As the tension mountsthroughout the free world,
the ladies have a surprising15-0 lead over the boys.
Now next question,bonus question for 20 points.
What is the originof our civil rights?
The magna carta.
No, tom, no.
Ellen, take it.
English common law.
20-point bonus.
Boys lose 10 pointsfor ringing the bell
without knowing the answer.It's a 10-point loss.
The magna carta was a documentguaranteeing rights,
but the rights of whom?Uh, stacey.
The aristocracy.
10-point bonusfor the girls.
The aristocracyvis-a-vis the king.
The people got their rightsfrom the common well.
The common well.Hence... come on, who knows?
Uh... anthony.
10-point bonusfor the boys.
Good, but, guys,watch out.
Girls have a 45-0 lead.You're not doing too well.
Next two.Come on. Quickly.
All right.Here we go.
Bonus questionfor 10 points.
Define the word"imbrue."
Aha. I'll spell itfor you.