You're driving me nuts, you jerk!
Shut up, let me listen.
A drag, eh, teacher?
Damn, now l've lost track!
Computers are the big items now.
English is more important.
Computers rely on English.
First things first.
ln the police, what counts now
is cybernetics.
lf you want to get ahead,
concentrate on cybernetycs.
A minute ago,
lt was computers, now it's cybernetics.
Get it together, jerk.
Tell him, teacher.
Be nice and tell him about it.
About what?
The word doesn't exist in Spanish.
Whaddya mean?
l'm taking a computering course.
Data processing.
That's the right expression
You don't know what you're studying!
Tell him more, teacher,
make his trip.
4 times 4?
4 times 4.
l don't get it.
answer me, you sonuvabitch!
4 times 4?
1 6.