[People Laughing,Chattering]
[Roller Coaster Going By,People Screaming]
[Barker]Come on, step on up.
Two bucks a ball, three for five.You might get lucky.
See something you haven't seen before.Watch our Marilyn twirl.
[Man]Come on, reach in.
[Barker] Give 'em a thrill, boys.Give 'em a thrill.
When the weather's hot like this,I keep my panties in the refrigerator.
[Men Howling]
- [Bell Ringing]- [Barker] We have a winner.!
[Men Whistling, Howling]
[Barker] Come on, fella.How 'bout you? Two bucks a ball.
That worth two bucks a ball?Look at that skin up there.
Pretty fine, folks. You oughtaget in here, get some of this.
I am gonna be someone.And this is step number one.
Yeah?Step one to what?
I'm gonna go whereall the lights stay on.