Late 1995
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Moderate Acceptance
โ Directed by Gianni Amelio
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:00:21 April 7th: 1939
:00:23 Italian troops disembark
:00:25 on the other side of the Adriatic
:00:28 and the political union
:00:31 between ltaly and Albania
:00:33 is made in the name of Fascism.
:00:36 The history of those days
:00:38 is very significant.
:00:41 April 12th: the Albanian AssembIy
:00:44 decides to offer the King of Italy
:00:46 the Albanian Crown.
:00:48 April 14th: the government
:00:51 sanction the new title.
:00:53 ApriI 15th: the Fascist CounciI
:00:56 approve the union.
:00:58 April 23rd: Albanese Fascist Party
:01:00 is founded at Tirana.
:01:03 ApriI 29th: the AIbanese Council
:01:06 decides union of both Armies.
:01:11 After the union of Armed Forces,
:01:13 other joint initiatives follow.
:01:16 Courts are organised,
:01:18 schools and hospitals founded.
:01:22 RuraI health centres are created
:01:24 to help peasants fight malaria.
:01:28 There is Iand-drainage and roads,
:01:31 housing for the peasants,
:01:33 and at Iast, thanks to ltaIy
:01:36 among the robust Albanians
:01:39 civilization takes its place.
:01:51 The landing at Durazzo
:01:54 and the arrivaI of the Duce's men
:01:57 who find throughout Albania
:01:59 a most cordiaI and enthusiastic