-Good sleep?-Not bad.
So where are we?
Where you from?
San Diego.Left yesterday.
So you came Honolulu-Guam-Pago-here?
Long trip.
What do you do?
I'm a psychologist.
Hey, a shrink.
They've called in everything else.
How do you mean?
We've ferried people out of Guamfor the last 2 days.
Physicists, biologists, mathematicians,you name it.
Everybody being flown to the middleof nowhere in the Pacific Ocean.
What's going on?
They're not telling us anything, sir.What did they tell you?
There was a plane crash.
Do you get called in on crashes?
I'm on a list of psychologists the FAAbrings in when a plane goes down.
So where exactly are we now?
That's where we're headed.Over there.
Take a look.
What is that?
All that for a plane crash?
I never mentioned a plane crash.
-Any other gear? Watch your step.-I'd like to call my family.
We'll get you settled in quarters first.Remain there till we send for you.
-I'd like to get started.-We'll send for you.
-It's critical I see them---Who?
The survivors. If I don't get to themin the first 24 hours--
-What survivors?-The survivors of the plane crash.
Plane crash?
I deal in post-traumatic stressand survival guilt.
Maybe I should talk to someonewho knows what's going on here.