Let's sort the buyers from the spyers,the needy from the greedy
and those who trust mefrom the ones who don't.
If you can't see value here,
you're not shopping,you're shoplifting.
You see these goods?Never seen daylight, moonlight,
Israelites,Fanny by the gaslight.
Take a bag, come on.I took one home last night -
cost more than ten pound,I can tell you.
Anyone like jewellery?Look at that one.
Hand-made in ltaly,hand-stolen in Stepney.
It's as long as my arm,not like something else.
Don't think 'cos these boxesare sealed, they're empty.
Only the undertakersells empty boxes.
By the look of you lot, I'd makemore money with my tape-measure.
Here, one price, ten pound.
- Did you say ten pound?- Are you deaf?
Bargain. I'll take one.
Squeeze in. Left leg, right leg.
They call it walking.
You want one, darling?That's it, they're waking up.
Treat the wife -treat somebody else's wife.
It's more funif you don't get caught.
You want one?Show me a bit of life, then.
It's no good standinglike one o'clock half struck.
These are not stolen -they're just not paid for.
Can't get 'em again,they've changed the locks.
Can't come back -I'll have sold out.
Nice bit of stuff.
"Too late" will be the crywhen the bargains pass you by.
If you've no money on you,
you'll cry tearsbig as October cabbages.