We have with us today a man whois so much a part of the culture...
that he scarcely needsan introduction.
Pootie Tang.Good to have you here with us.
You've had incredible success...
and you've had itin a variety of fields--
music, films,martial arts, pottery.
How do you do it?
Well, Bob, I'm a pone toni.
- Got my dillies on a peppatain.- I hear that.
Now, Pootie, a lot of young artistssay that you are their inspiration.
Well, I can't saythe nay-no, my brother.
You got a new moviecoming out, right?
Yeah. Yes, it's calledSine Your Pitty on the Runny Kine.
- And who's in it besides yourself?- Oh, well, there's Trucky...
Bad Bitty, Dirty Dee...
Lacey, J B...
Biggie Shortyand Robert Vaughn.
- You have a clip to show us?- Yeah, baby.
All right, let's takea look then at this clip...
from Pootie Tang's new movie,Sine Your Pitty on the Runny Kine.
It was the year 2001.
It was the best of times.It was the worst of times.
The big city was thriving,but the inner city was dying.
Who was killing it?
This man. Dick Lecter.
The headof corporate America.
But the people had hope becausethey knew that there was one man...
who could fight the power.
One man who could stopthe madness.
One man who could beatDick Lecter like the LAPD.
And that man--that man was Pootie Tang.