[Man] Take a lookat a castle, any castle.
Now break down the key elementsthat make it a castle.
They haven't changedin a thousand years.
One, location. A site on high groundthat commands the territory...
as far as the eye can see.
Two, protection, big walls.Walls strong enough
to withstand a frontal attack.
Three, a garrison.Men who are trained and willing to kill.
Four, a flag.You tell your men,
You're soldiersand that's our flag.
You tell them nobodytakes our flag.
[ Man ]One step forward. Forward!
And you raise that flag so it flies highwhere everyone can see it.
Now you've got yourselfa castle.
The only difference betweenthis castle and all the rest,
is that they were builtto keep people out.
This castle is builtto keep people in.
[ Shouting ]
- [ Men Chattering ]- [Man On P.A., Indistinct]
[ Rapping, Indistinct ]