In the latest weather news...
a severe storm warninghas been issued for the Eastern coast.
The weather bureau has also warned of highwinds and flash flooding in low lying areas.
Farmers are advisedthat a sheet weather alert is coming.
What's wrong with you, Arthur?Surely you're not scared of a wee bit sheet weather.
I know, that's where I'm going.
Here we go.
We're nearly there, Arthur.
Something tells me that this isn'ta very good day for fishing, Arthur.
That's instinct, old son.
- This is a day for spaghetti and wine.- Hi Dad!
And bones, of course.
- Why, it's princess Ornatharicus.- Why, it's Captain Ahab.
- How many did you catch?- Millions. The hold's busting with...
I have a lobster for your mum. Hold that,look after Arthur. I won't be long.
- Don't worry about it.- Not a second.
We're having chops.I hate lobster.
Tell your mum to put the kettle on.