Carl's Jr. has this $6 burger,which really only costs $3.95...
...so you thinkyou're getting some deal...
...but the truth is, it may bethe best franchise burger out there.
I went there yesterdayand ordered three.
By golly, those suckersalmost filled me up.
When I got home,I still had to have a box of Eggos...
...but that doesn't take awayfrom Carl's achievement.
I mean, here's a guy who's gotto go through life as Carl Junior, right?
Like he can never get out of the shadowof his dad, the original Carl, I guess.
Do you think this eating has to dowith thinking you killed your mother?
That you're eating yourselfto death as punishment?
-You do think you killed her, right?-I never said that.
She called out to youfrom that big, fancy oak bed.
-She said she was having chest pain.-I never told you any of that!
-How could you know this?-She begged you to dial 91 1 .
But she was always calling outfor you, wasn't she, Barry?
You weren't there. How couldyou know what happened? How?
Doesn't matter. What matters is,you've got to stop blaming yourself.
If you don't, you'll eat yourselfinto an early grave for no reason.
You're looking in my head!Stop it!
-Don't look in there.-You don't have to do it, Barry.
Leave me alone!
It wasn't your fault.