Hello, Cole.
I let myself in.
We're not late, are we? I hate to be late.
No, we're fine.
That sounded lovely.
I hate funeral music.
Though, under the circumstances,I suppose I should say my prayers.
Why start now?
If I believed in God,he would be a song-and- dance man.
He would have to carry a tune.Preferably one of mine.
Do you think he would like this?
In the still of the night
As I gaze from my window
At the moon in its flight
My thoughts all stray to you
You wrote that about Linda, of course.
Did I?
Songs don't have to be aboutsomeone, you know.
We should start.
I thought we had.
Cole, you have to play us into it.
It's your life. Your music will be our guide.
In the still of the night
As I gaze from my window
Oh, my God, that's me! I'm so young.