Captioning made possible byTurner Entertainment Group
Narrator: here isthe all-American canal.
It runs through the desertfor miles
Along the California-Mexicoborder.
A monumentto the vision of man,
The canal is the life-Givingartery of water
That feedsthe vast farm empire
Of the imperial valleyof southern California.
Out of this desert wasteland,
Man's industry has madea flourishing garden.
Farming in imperial valleyis a great industry.
Here a single fieldof prosaic carrots or lettuce
Or flax or melons may be wortha half million dollars.
This great agriculturalempire is important to the entire United States.
Nature never waits.
When the crops are ready,they must be harvested.
This means manpower,a vast army of farm workers
Who must be availablewhen needed,
And this army of workers comesfrom our neighbor to the south--
From Mexico--
For the imperial valleyof California,
Like many other farm areasof the great southwest,