ln the last centurybefore the birth...
of the new faithcalled Christianity...
which was destined to overthrowthe pagan tyranny of Rome...
and bring about a new society...
the Roman republic stood at the verycentre of the civilized world.
''0f all things fairest, ''sang the poet...
''first among cities andhome of the gods is golden Rome. ''
Yet even at the zenithof her pride and power...
the Republic lay fatally strickenwith a disease called...
human slavery.
The age of the dictatorwas at hand...
waiting in the shadowsfor the event to bring it forth.
ln that same century...
in the conqueredGreek province of Thrace...
an illiterate slave womanadded to her master's wealth...
by giving birth to a sonwhom she named Spartacus.
A proud, rebellious son...
who was sold to living deathin the mines of Libya...
before his thirteenth birthday.
There, under whipand chain and sun...
he lived out his youthand his young manhood...
dreaming the death of slavery...
2,000 yearsbefore it finally would die.