This one is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
Fire it in the vice this afternoon.
- I want yesterday's field reports now.- Yes, sir.
Three more units added to securityat Coastal Aircraft.
No progress onthe Fairfax Insurance investigation -
we're working with their accountants.
Brooks and Wilcox are in court onthe Monzio divorce - should be no problem.
James case looking very positive,no negative signs.
Everyone's checked in but Russelland he's undercover in Santa Barbara.
- Give me the afternoon report at 5:30.- Yes, sir.
- Our guest has arrived?- Yes, but Mr Kennicut hasn't.
He's not due for another 30 seconds.
He's just coming in now.
'I want you to listen very carefully, please.'
I'm Arthur Kennicut.Mr Brimmer's expecting me.
- Oh, yes, sir. Go right in, please.- Thank you.