She was wearing nothing underneath.
She was wearingnothing underneath, stop.
I moved my eyes slowly,up her long, black legs,
across her flat, glistening torso,
over her rounded breaststo her face, stop.
It wasn't beautifulbut it was lived in, stop.
I chewed her earand whispered 'kitten', stop.
Black thoughtswere transmitted, stop.
I put my hand on her...
I slammed my fist in his face. Therewas the sound of crunching bone.
Blood spatteredlike a burst water mains, stop.
I smashed my knee into his...
I took the whipand cracked it across his back, stop.
To my amazement, comma,he squealed with delight.
Everyone on earth has a secret closethe'd rather left closed, stop.
His face was like a crushed red pepper.
No wonder my fist throbbed, stop.And that wasn't all that throbbed.
I had just opened one of those closetswithout knocking, and stood staring in.
I cracked the whip again, stop.
This time across his...
I kissed her lightly on the cheekand slipped quietly from the room, stop.
End of paragraph.
Chapter 13.
Outside I hailed a cab, stop.
Its tyres screeched on the tarmacas it drew up and stopped.
'Take me to the asylum', I said.