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– redireccionado por Hal Ashby
– Mais 8 Million Ways to Die The Slugger's Wife Lookin' To Get Out Being There Coming Home
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Shampoo is a 1975 motion picture directed by Hal Ashby, and starring Warren Beatty, Julie Christie, Goldie Hawn, and Lee Grant. The film was set in 1968, the night before Richard Nixon was first elected to the White House, and was released as the Watergate scandal was reaching its messy conclusion; the political atmosphere of the setting therefore provides a source of dramatic irony, since the audience, but not the characters, are aware of the direction the Nixon presidency would eventually take. However, the main theme of the film is not presidential politics but sexual politics; it is renowned for its sharp satire of late-1960s sexual and social mores.
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:00:36 George, a cabeceira da cama.
A cabeceira, querido.
:00:40 Você sabe que fico nervosa.
:00:43 Sabe?
:00:47 Pode tocar bem aqui?
Assim, porque...
:00:59 Meu Deus! Isso!
:01:06 Meu Deus!
:01:34 Quando você voItou?
:01:40 Onde você está?
:01:47 Ainda é no mesmo Iugar?
:01:52 Ouça, por que...
Eu te Iigo amanhã.
:01:58 Por que não vem ao saIão,
para nos vermos?