Mum no!!!!
Just a minute is all l'm asking for
She don't know you George, andshe don't wanna know ya
She's my daughter
l don't wanna fucking know you
You can't do this to me. l onlycome to see her
Mum no, no
l'm sorry love, l'm sorry
Get out, George
No, no
You cow!
l only came to say hello
Fuck off, fuck off
Oi! you ganna clean all that up
Eh, eh take it easy boys, OK?
OK hey just let him be right theman's upset. OK
That's the right word hey George,upset?
So where'd they all come from?
They live here?
Since when?
Since you went inside
Did you get my last book?
Yeah, Yeah, shouldn't have been thedriver though
Who should it have been then?
l could pin him in the firstchapter
Well who should it have beenthen?
The Chinese fella who fed thegoldfish
You didn't write it George
No, no l didn't but if l hadof...Christ!!
You kept it
Aye, kept it for you
Keep it too
Why does she hate me Thomas?
She doesn't
Yes she does
You can never tell with womenGeorge, they're different
They wear skirts and like topowder their noses
and when they go to heaven theyget wings