Another day gone.
Soon it will be dark.
The night will smellof trees and earth.
That's when the images return...
Images of my former life,
suddenly arising,
alljumbled...Makes me feel uneasy.
I wasn't happy in a cagewith others of my breed.
Even then, my dearest wishwas to live with humans.
to see them, smell them...
and try to understand
the astonishing thingsthey sometimes do.
I figured I had a lot to learnfrom humans.
Never put a coin in your mouth...
and don't let dogs lick you...
They use their tonguesfor toilet paper.
I mowed 4 lawns, washed 3 carsinside and out,
made 30 bucks. Great, huh?
Yeah... How late can you staytonight?
Tonight's out.
I have a lawn to mow.
Can't it wait?
No, it's for a friend of Dad's.And it pays...
His wife always slips mesome extra money.