You promise to watch the gameand not be bored...
...and I'll go to the opera next week.I already bought earplugs.
With your eyesightI'm surprised you can see the puck.
Yay. All right!
I can't wait to get into bed.
- There's a Bob Hope movie on television.- I know.
Do you believe this guy? Killed 12victims. Dismembered and ate them.
- Really? It's an alternative lifestyle.- Yeah. I'll say.
- Hold the elevator!- We're coming.
- Hold the elevator.- That's all right.
- I see you at the gym sometimes.- You do?
- We live down the hall.- I go whenever I have the discipline.
- It's important to put that time in.- I agree.
Exercising changed my life. Just...
I prefer to atrophy.I don't like exercise.
- We bought a treadmill last week.- We had one.
We got rid of it becauseit was taking up space.
You have to get on it once in a while.
It's confusing with all thosecomputerized programs.
- I'm just never going to get that.- I know.
- Wonderful meeting...- Well, yeah.
- You never meet your neighbors.- Isn't it funny?
- Good night.- Good night.
Such a lovely couple.
- Oh, say... Hello?- Yeah?
Why don't you come in and havea drink? We'd love that.
- That'd be fine.- She makes great Irish coffee.
- Please.- There's a movie I want to watch.
- Give me a treadmill lesson.- About the tread...
Listen, if I can figure it out,then believe me, anybody can.
- I don't know what I'm doing.- It's easy.
- Let's look. I'm at level five.- You're that advanced?
I work out a lot.Look at these diagrams.
That's amazing.
- I can't understand this.- Let me see.