The same hand has struck again.
This time the victim is a nurse.
What can I say?Yet another defeat: our 18th.
Are you sureit's the same murderer?
You only have to look at the body,or what's left of it.
Was it rape?
The word "rape" is a euphemism.
In the Cervazza St. murderfive years ago...
two parts of the body were never found.
- Which ones?- Guess.
Let him through.
It's always the same motive: sex.
He's a pervert. His tastes rangefrom 15- to 60-year-olds.
Nuns, prostitutes, housewives,senior citizens, the unemployed:
He'll take whateverhe can get his hands on.
When his erotic urge is unleashed,there's no stopping him.
But don't imagine hima horrible, repulsive creature.
He's probably your ordinary,everyday man.
The problem is,behind his mask of normality...
Iurks a depraved rapist.
He's a sex maniacdisguised as a respectable citizen.