Peanut, peanut,peanut butter, motherfucker
Tune in, dick,you mess around with me
You'll get your ass kicked
'Cause you're a big motherfucker
Gary has a pussy and
James has a pussy and
James has a pussy
And Mommy has a pussy
And Aunt Lilhas a little, tiny pussy
Xenia, Ohio.
A few years ago...
a tornado hit this place.
lt killed the people,left and right.
Dogs died. Cats died.
Houses were split open...
and you could see necklaceshanging from branches of trees.
People's legs and neck boneswere sticking out.
Oliver found a leg on his roof.
A lot of people's fathersdied...
and were killedby the great tornado.
l saw a girlfly through the sky...
and l looked up her skirt.
Her skull was smashed.And some kids died.
My neighbor was killedin that house.
He used to ride dirt bikesand three-wheelers.
They never found his head.
l always thought that was funny.
People died in Xenia.
Before dad died...
he had a bad caseof the diabetes.