OLDER DOUG: The end of my innocenceand childhood began in 1957.
It's remarkable to me now just how littleI knew then about the people around me.
It took me years to figure outexactly what the truth was...
...especially given my brother's knackat inventing facts.
My mother once told methat if the Abbotts didn't exist...
...my brother would havehad to invent them.
Lloyd Abbott wasn't the richest manin town, but it seemed like he was...
...because he had three beautifuldaughters: Alice, Eleanor and Pamela.
Twice a year, you'd see the big tentgo up on their tennis court...
...and everyone could see that one ofthe Abbott girls was having a birthday...
...or graduatingor going away to college.
- Here we go. Another party.- Shut up.
Every time an Abbott girl gets her period,there's a party.
Kotex parties, Kotex party hats...
OLDER DOUG:My brother and I were born strangers.
Same last name, same address...
...but everything else about uswas different.
Back then, Jacey wasa complete mystery to me.
And I was a constant sourceof embarrassment to him.