Thirty-six hours ago,an American B-52 bomber...
...crashed into the Mediterranean Sea.
Moments before impact,the bomber's crewjettisoned...
...a 50-megaton nuclear warhead.
The bomb capable of levelinga major city...
...has been lost at sea.
Now underway is the greatestnaval search in human history.
What do you think?Should be you out there.
l'm the best diver in the Navy.
Hell, you ain't in the Navy.You are a damned deserter.
Years ago, a mango on a bender like that. . .
. . .they'd pin a medal on himand take him for a blowjob.
lnstead, you got your ass kickedby a couple of Marines.
Ornery son of a bitch.
Friend of yours.
Looks like chief hereis a nigger-lover.
Asshole, now you're goingto address me as master chief. . .
. . .or l'll snap your goddamn wrist.You read me?
-You ain't a master chief no more.-You trifling me, motherfucker?
-Trifling me?-Sorry, master chief!
Thank you!