MAN: For 5 millennia... Napisy rippowane na zlecenie www.napiszone.prv.pl
l have foughtto be heard in this world...
but only a few listened.
Now...finally...everyone will hear me.
l will blanket the earth witha truth that is hot from hell.
The world will awaitthe sound of my voice...
to know whether the sunwill rise or the rivers flow.
l was here before...
when these walls stood tall...
when this soil was turned redwith spilled blood.
Ha ha!
Oh, the flowersthat bloomed.
SECOND MAN: Nourished bythe blood of your enemies.
FlRST MAN: l was herewhen the Egyptians...
turned back the Canaanites...
a thousand years before theNazarene came into this world.
But nothing...
nothing comparesto the battle that is coming.
SECOND MAN: And He gatheredthem together...
in a place called...Armageddon.
He who controls Jerusalemat the end of days...
shall rule the world.