All her life she had wantedto teach at Wellesley College.
So when a position openedin the Art History department...
... she pursued it single-mindedlyuntil she was hired.
It was whisperedthat Katherine Watson...
... a first-year teacherfrom Oakland State...
... made up in brainswhat she lacked in pedigree.
Which was why this bohemianfrom California...
... was on her way to the mostconservative college in the nation.
- Excuse me, please.- Oh, sorry.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. The bus?
- Keep walking, ma'am.- Thank you.
But Katherine Watson didn't cometo Wellesley to fit in.
She came to Wellesley becauseshe wanted to make a difference.
- Violet.- My favorite Italian professor.
- Nice summer?- Terrific, thanks.
- Who's that over there?- Where?
Oh, Katherine Watson. New teacher.Art History. I'm dying to meet her.