U nit 40 requesting assistance.
We have a possible 211 in progressat the Valley Trust Bank...
... Boyle and Kittridge.We have shots fired.
All units, officer needs assistance.
Boyle, north of Kittridge, at the ValleyTrust Bank. Shots have been fired.
We'll need a heavy-duty vehicle.We're pinned b y automatic gunfire.
"15-L"- "10 advise, do you need"some heavy-duty machinery...
... to get the officer up?
They've got automatic weapons.Nothing we have can stop them.
Be advised, there's possibly twoor three suspects inside.
Shots being fired!Shots being fired!
Suspects heavily armedand wearing body armor.
Get more officers.
Officer down! Officer down!
Requesting SWA T. Code Three.
I'm killing whoever moves!You move, I'm killing you!
What are you looking at?What are you looking at?
SWA T's just arrived.
- We're 30 seconds out, boys.- All right.
Suspects have AK-47 s,dressed in heavy body armor.
Let's rock 'n' roll.