Talon 1 requesting Bitching Bettyrelay Combat Control commands.
Roger, Talon 1.
Central Prime is transmitting...
... encrypted satelliteauto-terrain comparison.
Talons, this is Operator.
PAYCOM has givenhis final tasking orders.
You are to proceed to targetand prosecute with precision.
Now, remember,you are pilots of the U.S. Navy.
I expect nothing lessthan perfection.
Roger, skipper.Activating tactical music.
Countermeasure is silent party.Talon 2, confirm.
Talon 2 confirms. Music on.
Risk assessment iswe have a clean mission status.
Attack commencing.
Missile lock. Missile lock.
Talon 3, there's a SAM site onthe west wall. We got birds in the air.
Talon 2,the SAM site's been erased.
Now, that's how you do it.
Talon 3, that was shit-hot!
Talon 1, I expectthe same out of you.