Sherlock Holmes in Washington
Your name please?
William Easter.
Mr. William Easter?
Your passport please.
Do I have to go throughthis rigmarole every time?
Regulations sir.
Beastly nuisanceI call it.
You'll receiveyour American Visa
in (unintelligible).
Will there be time?
We've seemedto cut our time
pretty close Sir Henry.
Have you a word Sir Henry?
Do you wish tomake any comments?
Sir Henry, whatis your destination
New York or Washington?
I'm sorry, I havenothing to say.
Sir Henry Marchmontofficial business.
Oh Sir Henry Marchmont.
Sir Henry.
Thank You.
Good luck Sir Henry.
Thanks, I may need it.
Shall I takeyour case sir?
Definitely not.
I say, you thinkthe old boy carried
the fate of the empirein that little black case.
Perhaps he does.
Heads up boys.
Roll it away.
Lively now.
Hey just a moment,
you are shy one passenger.
Hold on.
Wait a bit.