December, 1944.
British and American Armieswere on the threshold of victory.
Stretched across half of europe.
The allies cathered themselves for thefinal assault of Germany.
To the north stood montcomery's
Eichth army.
To the south, patton's third.
In the center.
Along an 88-mile front.
A few battle-weary Amercan divisions
Rested in a quiet sector.
To them.The war seemed already won.
This is their story.
Colonel, we've been flying
Over these woods all week.
There's nothing but trees.
Let's turn back.
Getting hungry, Joe?
The war is over.
I hear CHQ is shipping
Us home for Christmas.
Joe, the German Army still has
Six million men carrying arms.
They're not going home for Christmas.
Hey, there it is.
The German Amry.
Let's go down and have a look.