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"They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!" torrent
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– redireccionado por Gordon Douglas
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They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!
They call me MISTER Tibbs was a 1970 sequel to In the Heat of the Night (1967). Sidney Poitier reprised his role of Philadelphia police detective Virgil Tibbs; the film's title was taken from his line in In the Heat of the Night, exclaimed in response to a hostile question by a southern policeman as to what he was called.
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They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!
:02:28 Vai-te embora!
:02:30 Sai-me daqui!
Deixa-me em paz.
:02:33 Já nem consigo fingir!
:02:40 De que é que estás à espera?
:02:43 Foi bem melhor esta tarde, ali no tapete!
:02:46 Muito melhor! Fora daqui!
:02:48 Estou farta de ti e dos teus problemas!
:02:50 Sai-me daqui, e leva esta coisa!
:02:54 Porco, filho da pu...
:03:45 É o Mealie.
:03:50 Menina Joy?
:03:55 Venho buscar o lixo.