Okay, go ahead.
My name is Sidney Westerfeld.I'm the owner of this antique tavern...
...Monmouth Valley, New York State.
I was here whenthis crowd really came.
We expected fifty thousand a day,and there must have been a million!
l, myself, was hungry for two days,because I couldn't get any food in.
I couldn't get out to buy any food.
I was eating cornflakes for two days!
And the kids were wonderful.I have no kicks.
It was "sir" this and "sir" that, and...
..."thank you" this and"thank you" that.
Nobody can complain about the kids.This thing was too big.
It was too big for the world!Nobody has ever seen a thing like this!
And when they see this picture inthe news, over the moving pictures...
...they'll really see something!
"It's been a long time coming..."
"...because it's beena long time gone..."
"...and it appears to be a long..."