1909: The Edwardian Golden Age.
Genteel civilization had cometo England, the continent
and the eastern United States.
New Yorkrivaled London and Paris
as one of the great metropolisesof the world.
Albert Einstein had expoundedhis theory of relativity
back in 1905, and science
had brought us the wondersof the modern world.
Culture and refinementhad arrived
on the east coast of America.
Caruso was singing Pagliacciat the Met.
Arturo Toscanini was conducting.
The Barrymores were performing
and a Ziegfeld girlwas the rage.
1909 in the western partof the 46 United States
was not so refined.
The surviving Indian warriors
were now being rounded upby the U.S. Army.
In Washington,William Howard Taft...
300 pounds of pure Republican...was President
and life was comfortable.
In other parts of the country,men were fighting each other
and the elements.
In the New Yorkdepartment stores
a lady could buy maxisand boots and live in style.
Out west,they didn't think about style,
just living.
Eastern empire buildershad secured their fortunes...
the Morgans,Vanderbilts, Carnegies.
There were empiresin the west, too,
such asthe great McCandles Ranch.
But these huge rancheswere held together
only by havingenough men and guns.
Notre Dame teamswere playing football
with end Knute Rocknecatching a forward pass.