Admiral Yamamoto, please.
He asked not to be disturbed.- It is most urgent.
Admiral Yamamoto?.
Tokyo has been bombed.- When?.
10 minutes ago. Yokohama, Kawasakiand Yokosuka were also bombed.
His lmperial Majesty is unharmed.I personally phoned the palace.
Damage?. - Very little to Tokyo.No reports from the other cities,
but it seems probablethat they too were barely scratched.
How did they do it, Watanabe?.
They launched long-rangeB-25 bombers from their carriers.
They came in at treetop level,and were first seen over the city.
Tokyo... bombed!
Sir, I understand your concernfor the Emperor's safety, but...
You may speak freely, Commander.- This raid is a blessing in disguise.
The Americans haveproven you correct.
Our homeland is not invulnerable.After today, the General Staff