Here. I'II take him.
I'II take him.
Come on.
Goodness, Chad, Aren't we sensitive?
That wasn't worth aII That fuss, was it, AIex?
Shh, Shh, Shh. Come on now.
Is he ok?
He'II be fine.
WeII, PauI. Six years,
Three banks.
And $200 MiIIion Iataer.
CongratuIations, NigeI
You, Too.
Uh, Mr Wagner
It's time to rock 'n' roII.
Time to rock 'n' roII.
Gook Iuck, DarIing.
Many centuries ago,
A Chinese poet,
Foresaw a Hong Kong
That gIittered
Like the stars in the heavens.
By providing an underwater tunneI
To connect Hong Kong isIand
With the mainIand and the new territories,
We hope that we have brought,
That prophecy...
One step cIoser to reaIity.
And so, Ladies and GentIemen,
Griffith Wagner Enterprises
ProudIy present to the crown coIony of Hong Kong
The Victoria Harbour TunneI.