Mixed Reviews Thin Acceptance – Directed by Barry J. Hershey – More – Language English |
The Empty Mirror The Empty Mirror is a film set within a world where Adolf Hitler and his closest cadre of followers survived, this speculative psychodrama attempts to explore the dark, twisted mind of the mad ruler as he converses with Eva Braun, Hermann Goering, Josef Goebbels, and Sigmund Freud. It is a decidedly minimalist film set in a secret subterranean bunker where Hitler spends endless hours watching films of his best years flicker over his blueprints for the new Berlin. Though he lost the war, Hitler still believes himself successful in becoming an immortal figure. His conversations add insight to his grand schemes, his obsession with blondes, and his moral justification for genocide. At Freud's prompting, Hitler also looks into his own neurosis and fears.[1]
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