Guard one check.
This is a standard exercisefor the military.
lt's main purpose is to testthe integrity of our system.
Operation bug chase commencingin thirty seconds.
This is an exercise.
l repeat. This is an exercise.
Beetle Alpha, you have a go.
Beetle check.
Beetle Alpha representsthe planes of an imaginary enemy.
They will try to avoidour radar by flying low.
lf they lock on toour target with their aiming system,
we lose.
Anything on screen?
We don't have anything,Sir, they are below one thousand.
Receiving Awac's data, Beetle identifiedDesignated BD001-002, 2 minute's ETA.
Target on screen,request firing AlM-120.
Request denied!Visual identification required.
Defense radar swipe 1 second.
Yes sir!
Beetle jumping up to one thousand.
They are starting bomb run.
Start ECM.
Two targets locked.Request firing two AA missiles.
A-4 logged on. Fire! Fire!
Beetle, you are dead!
Guard returning to base.
Well done everybody.