[ Man ]What can I do for you
this a.m. ?
We got oatmeal.We got ham.
We got omelets.
- We got ham omelets.- I'll have a ham omelet.
More oatmeal, dude.And try to keep it on
the plate this time.
Yeah, dude, more oatmeal.God, and try to keep it
on the plate this time.
Sometimes you can besuch a bitch.
Hey, buddy. Come here.I know it's 8:00 a.m....
and you haven't hadyour triple-soy
decaf latte yet,
but a kid with your kindof breeding should have
some manners.
I suggest youapologize to the lady.
I'm sorry.I'm sorry.
Oh, sophomores.You gotta love 'em, huh ?
The usual ?Yes.
That would be lovely.
The race is at 4:00 today.You gonna be there ?
I don't know. I've got thisreally riveting econ seminar...
on the originsof the gross national
product, so--
- I wouldn't want to miss that.- Yeah, I would, actually.
For the lady.Thank you, sir.
- I'll see you out there.- Yes, indeed.
Okay.C. Wright Mills'
The Power Elite.
The main thesisis what ?
That at certain institutions,elite group sare for med that'll
network the rest of their lives.
Then that brings us tothe question,
ls America reallya class society ?
Oris it the meritocracywe're taught it is since
we were in kindergarten ?