Groups of unemployed workers, who havegrown in number due to the tax reforms...
...enacted by the former Prime Minister,are rioting all across the country.
And with the confusion among members ofParliament sparked by the comments of...
...Finance Minister Takanashiduring a recent Parliament inquiry,
there seems to be no compromise in sightbetween the government and opposition.
Hey. What'll it be?
Give me three peanuts.
Let's see here...
We've herded those Clownbastards onto Route 5.
Damn it, don't scare me like that!Open the damn door quietly!
You wouldn't be so jumpy if youdidn't have something to hide!
Try selling some normaldrinks sometime, huh?
How about buying something for once?!This ain't a hangout!
And drink that dog piss you sell?!