You see, after all is said and done...
the only thing you can be really sure of...
the only thingyou can really count on in this world...
is that you just never fucking know.
I bet the last thingyou were thinking about...
when you were tying your shoelacesthis morning...
was that there was a chance...
that by the end of the day, this day...
those same shoelaceswere going to be untied...
by somebody workingfor the coroner's office.
Am I right?
I'm right, right?
Hey! Get the fuck out of here!
What, you wanna know about this?Get out of here!
Take that shit to the dry cleaners.
Sorry. Long day. Where was I?
You know, the human body is,like, 80% moisture, right?
How much do you weigh? 165? 170?
Now, I figureif you could somehow extract 80% of that...
you'd have, give me a second...
thirty-four pounds...