Welcome to Sinbad, commentary track.
This is Tim Johnson, one of the directors,and sitting to my left is...
Patrick Gilmore, the other director.
I'm Mireille Soria,one of the producers of the movie.
We brought along a bunch of friends today.
We brought our production designer,our head of story...
our head of animationand our head of layout.
Hi, I'm Raymond Zibach,I'm the production designer.
I'm Jennifer Nelson, head of story.
I'm Kristof Serrand,the animation supervisor.
And last but not least, Damon O'Beirne,the layout supervisor.
They do sing four-part harmonybut they're going to spare you that.
Well, we're starting our picturewith a beautiful view of the constellations...
and Patrick and Ipored over a book of constellations...
to pick these ones for you.
Each of the characters in Eris' menagerie...
are based on real constellations,whether it's Cetus, the sea monster...
or Draco, the dragon, or what have you.
And this sequence went throughmany iterations...
before we finally settled on this one.Originally, Eris even had another god...
Janus, who sort of servedas her foil in all of this.
But in order to drawthe conflict more sharply...
between Sinbad and the gods,we chose just one villain here, Eris.
It's sort of an exposition scene...
a scene in which we have to set upa lot of rules of our world...
and boy, did we have expositionat one point.
Eris was practically readingan encyclopedia...
to tell us everything about the world.
But we found a way to cut to the quickand have Eris simply set up her scheme.
And visually, we had a lot ofdifferent passes of this as well...
because we even had a versionwhere it wasn't Cetus, the sea monster...
it was a fire-breathing bullthat we threw into the water.
Yeah, we killed Taurus at one point.
Eris realized Taurus couldn't swim...
and didn't make a very good villainin an ocean movie, so she had to reset.