I mean that ifyou made more effort,
you may get a manto ask you out.
I don't want a manto ask me out.
You know, 80% of women
who say they are too busyto have a relationship,
are really lonely,Audrey.
You know, I don'tfeel the need to date
just to stay on the rightside of a survey.
- And it's bad for your skin.- What?
My skin is always betterwhen I'm dating.
You're never not dating.
And just lookat my complexion.
- You, on the other hand...- I, on the other hand,
have stopped havingthis conversation.
Oh my God, is this it?
It's an extraordinarytownhouse
with a total floor spaceof 9,000 square feet,
not including the garden.
May I ask what you do?
It depends on the occasion.
And your friend?
I'm just along for the ride.
This viewof the dining room
was recently featuredin Manhattan Interiors Magazine.
Oh. What washanging there?
Uh, John Sargent.
Yeah, Mr. Harrison hasan amazing art collection.
Too bad none of itcomes with the townhouse.
Now if you'llfollow me this way.
Now this ceilingwas actually handcrafted
by the great-grandsonof Charles Thorpe.
That wasn't cheap.
I guess it pays to bethe emperor of infomercials.
Mr. Harrison made $30 millionoff "The Hair Houdini" alone.
That much?Oh my God.