I beg your pardon. Was that your leg?I had no idea we were going into a tunnel.
I thought the compartment was empty.
I'm so sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you.
Awful man in the next compartmentsmoking a vile cigar.
I had to come in here.You don't smoke, do you?
- No, I don't.- Thank heavens for that.
After last night, my head couldn't stand it.You understand...
May I see your tickets, please?
Thank you, miss.
I'm afraidyou're in the wrong compartment, sir.
- It's a first-class compartment, isn't it?- Yes.
- Then I'm all right.- It's a third-class ticket.
What sort of line is this, sellingthird-class tickets at first-class prices?
I am very sorry, sir.
That will be £5.04 extra.
- You haven't change for a fiver, have you?- Yes, sir.
Don't bother, because I haven't got one.
This is the best I can do.
Do you suppose the line would settle for£5 and tuppence ha'penny?
No, I don't suppose they would.