[Female Chorus ]# Melody Time #
# Melody Time #
- [ Man ]# Melody time #- [ Female Chorus ]# Doo-doo-doo-doo #
# It´s time to swing along #
# Doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo #
# To a happy land ofsong #
# Where love is the thing #
# Doo-doo-dooDoo doo doo-doo-doo #
-# Melody time #- # Doo-doo-doo-doo #
# It´s time for sweet romance #
# Doo-doo-dooDoo-ooh #
# Won ´t you give your hearta chance #
# To join in and sing #
#Join in and sing #
# Take a tip from the birds #
- # You don ´t need words #- # No words #
- # For music has charms #- # Doo doo-doo doo-doo, oooh-ooh #
# It´s the language oflove #
-# When your love ´s in your arms #- # Doo doo-doo doo-doo-doo #
- # Doo, doo, doo #-# Rhythm and rhyme #
# Sure help a heart along #
# Doo doo-dooDoo doo-doo #
# So come onand sing a song #
# It´s melody time #