To begin with, allthe incidents and characters in this story...
might be fictitious...
and any resemblanceto you or me...
might be purely coincidental.
The name of the townisn't important.
It's the one that's just28 minutes from the big city...
23 if you catchthe Morning Express.
It's on a river, and it's got housesand stores and churches...
and a Main Street.
Nothing fancylike Broadway or Market.
Just plain Main.
Drugs, dry goods, shoes...
those horrible little chain storesthat breed like rabbits.
Also a street for the upper,the exclusive of the town...
where the country-club set livewhen they're not at the country club.
This is the first Saturday in May...
and tonight the first dinner danceof the country-club season.
Well, anyway, this house belongs toBrad and Deborah Bishop...
two of my dearest friends.
Brad bought this housebefore he went to war.
It was Brad who gave memy first black eye and...
and my first kiss.
Well, when he came home from the war,he came home with a wife... Deborah.
Thomasino said to tell youhe found room for your briefcase in the bag.
Good for Thomasino.
- Why'd you have him pack a bag?- Because I know these Saturday conferences.
A bit like Saturday poker games...don't plan on doing anything Sunday.
It's strange, your not letting me knowwhen you plan to be away overnight.
This is just in case, darling.There's no telling how late it'll be.
And I like my own pajamas between meand the sheets in a Turkish bath.
You'll phone this afternoon,though, either way, won't you?
And leave word,even if I'm not here?
Just where might you bewhen I call if not here?
First Saturday in May, remember?The Settlement House Picnic.
That's right. The Women's Club thing.Like it?
Anything to do with kids.You know that.