On October 18, 1950...
...a member of theBritish Parliament...
...addressed a question tothe Foreign Secretary.
This book purports to be atrue account of espionage...
...written by a formerGerman military attaché...
...it reveals the mostastonishing details of a case...
...occurred within His Majesty'sEmbassy in Turkey in 1944...
...and in which hundredsof top secrets...
...including plans for the invasion...
...of Normandy were stolen andtransmitted to the Germans.
Has an inquiry into thesefantastic charges taken place?
Measures have beentaken to prevent any...
...future lapse in security.
However, it must be regretfullyadmitted that, in substance...
...the story to which the HonourableMember refers, is a true one.