I don't know about you,
but it makes me sore seeing thosewar pictures about flying leathernecks,
and submarine patrols, and frogmen,and guerrillas in the Philippines.
What gets me is that therenever was a movie about P.O.W. S...
...about prisoners of war.
My name is Clarence Harvey Cook -they call me Cookie.
I was shot down over Magdeburg,Germany, back in '43.
That's why I stammer sometimes,especially when I get excited.
I spent two and a half years in Stalag 17.
"Stalag" is German for prison camp.
Number 17was somewhere on the Danube.
There were about40,000 P.O.W. S there -
if you count the Russians,the Poles and the Czechs.
In our compound,there were about 630 of us.
All American airmen - radio operators,gunners and engineers. All sergeants.
Now, put 630 sergeants together and,oh mother, you've got yourself a situation!
There was more fireworks shootingoff around that joint...
Take the story about the spywe had in our barracks.
It was about a week beforeChristmas in '44.
Two of our guys,Manfredi and Jonson, to be exact,
were just getting setto blow the place.