I don't think we'll be verywelcome here, Miss Marple.
I know Mr Enderby's rich,but he's eccentric to say the least.
He may close his dooron the world, Mr Stringer,
but he must expectto be knocked on sometimes.
He never gives anything away,not even to charity.
Perhaps he's never had the chance.
I must be getting backto the library, Miss Marple.
It's a worthy cause, no doubt,but my employers...
- You must be entitled to your tea?- Yes, but I haven't had it.
Oh, but you shall.
This is our last call. Thenyou must come back to my cottage.
I've prepared a very special teato reward us for our labour.
Perhaps I'd better leave him to you,Miss Marple.
Pull yourself together.He can't eat us, can he?
No, I suppose not.
He must be out.
You know he never goes anywhere.