Every second bastard bornis fathered by a priest.
But in Utopia that couldn't be.
For why?
-For there the priests are very holy.-Therefore very few.
Is it anything interesting, Matthew?
-Bless you, sir. I don't know.-Bless you too, Matthew.
To be sure, we havesome holy priests in England.
-Oh, name some.-Brother James.
Man's a simpleton.
It's from Cardinal Wolsey.
What's he want?
In Hampton Court?You won't be there by midnight.
-The King's business.-Queen's business.
Mistress Anne Boleyn's business.
Well, it's all the Cardinal's business.
That's very true. And when the Cardinalcalls, you all come running, day or night.
What is the man? A butcher's son.
Chancellor of England, too.
No, that's his office. What's the man?
Surely, Your Grace,when a man rises so high and so swiftly...
...we must think he was misplacedin his origins.
That, at least,was the opinion of Aristotle and....
A butcher's son and looks it.
His looks, yes, I give you his looks.
What was that you said, Richard?
Nothing, Sir Thomas, it was out of place.
And Wolsey's still a butcher.
And you're a member of the King'sHigh Council, not an errand boy.
That is why I must go.
The Duke would goif the Cardinal called him.
I might.
I'll be back for breakfast.
Go to bed.
"Dear Lord, give us rest tonight,or if we must be wakeful, cheerful.